Being active participants in giving back to our community is a value we hold at Tresidder’s. It forms part of our mission statement and we pride ourselves on being outstanding within the local community but also with national foundations. 
In 2024, Tresidder’s partnered with Myeloma Australia. The partnership is something that the business is extremely proud to have supported. In line with raising awareness for myeloma and the foundation, we also hosted the largest walk in Australia in the Geelong Botanical Gardens. 

We were proud to support our community in many ways throughout 2024

Some of the events include:

Anthony Costa Golf Day

The Darling Downs Beef Battle Toowoomba

We are proud to support these community foundations:

Anam Cara House Geelong 
Andrew Love Cancer Centre 
Barwon Health Foundation  
Barwon Sports Academy 
Bay Leaf Café Geelong 
Compassion Australia 
Cottage by the Sea 
Fred Hollows 
Geelong Youth Engagement 
Give Where You Live 
Helen Kellar 
Mary’s Meals 
Myeloma Australia 
Save the Children Foundation 
Surf Life Saving 